Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Day That Keeps On Giving

Have you ever had one of those days that is never-ending?  You end up with something to do every single minute of the day; things pop up that you hadn't planned and you don't have time to breathe!  Today was that day!  I have 10 minutes before I am to meet someone for a quick bite of dinner, then I have to go home and finish some work.

SO, when do I have time to blog........well of course, right now. Sitting in a parking space, typing with my thumb on my IPHONE. Is this what I had planned? No! Did I get everything done today I wanted to get done?  No!  But, in reality, that is how life is......fluid, changing and unpredictable.  So, how does one respond to those kind of days? Take the next step, do what you can, the best you can and adjust your sails.  

Today, this is what I could do. Type a blog post on a phone with my thumb. It's not what I planned but it is kind of fun!!


  1. blog post on a phone !!. Wow that is lost of patience. :D

  2. Thanks for the share! I must admit, I have done the same before.

    1. Good to know Michelle! You just gotta do what you gotta do right?

  3. That's great! You made the most of the time you had and you still got your blog post in.
    I am frantically trying to catch up before the end of the challenge tomorrow!
