Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Follow Through

 Following through seems like one of the most natural things in the world to do.  You start something and you finish it but that is not the case with a lot of, if not most people. 
Lack of follow through creates enormous problems:
Don't follow through on pursuing healthy lifestyle - 
weight gain and sickness

Don't follow through on schoolwork - 
poor grades

Don't follow through at work - 
poor results at work and poor work image projected

Don't follow through at home - 
clutter piles up, frustrations mount and bills go unpaid

Don't follow through when disciplining children-
disrespectful and unruly children

Don't follow through on getting car serviced on time - 
greater damage and higher repair costs

Don't follow through on backing up digital photos - 
computer crashes and photos lost

Don't follow through with saving money -
crisis hits and you are not prepared

Don't follow through on opportunities -
opportunity lost
So if all these terrible things are going to happen to us because we don't follow through, then why don't we follow through?  

I have found 6 main reasons people fail to finish what they start.

1.  Not paying attention.  Have you ever walked in the house or office, mindlessly set something down and then never went back to do anything with it?  Things begin to pile on top on one another and the next thing you know, you have a mess.  
Have you gotten to the end of a day and wondered where your time has gone?  
We mindlessly go through a day instead of being deliberate about using our time and energies wisely. 

2.  Tired.  I find this to be a huge reason for people not finishing the things they start.  You come home from work or have had a long day with kids and it seems easier to leave the dishes in the sink, the laundry unfolded or not put away, the mail untouched, the magazines unread, the pile of papers left unattended, the groceries not put away, etc. etc. etc.  You get the point.  We are all running and going and doing but the fact of the matter is -if you take those few moments, even when you are tired, to follow through on some of these tasks, you will actually, in the long run, feel less tired and overwhelmed.  

3.  Not scheduling time.  Many people have good intentions but never set aside the time to do or complete something they have set out do.  

4.  Wrong reason for setting a goal or agreeing to do something.  Many times we say yes to something without thinking it through.  We feel bad for saying no, we feel pressured to say yes, we are doing something because someone else we know is doing it or we are convinced we are the only person that can get it done.

5.  Following through is going to be hard.  There are many things in life that we have to persevere through and many of us just don't want to be bothered.  We want things to be simple, uncomplicated and quick.  We don't want to have to make that unpleasant phone call.  We don't want to take the time to finish something because we have gotten bored.  We don't want to feel some of the uncomfortable emotions or feelings we will feel when we press through.  

6.  Forgetting.  Many times we just forget to do something we said we would do; call someone, write a note, make a meal, etc.; we just forgot. 

Here are 6 easy steps towards becoming better at follow through.  

1. Pay attention to what you are committing yourself to and why. Don't commit to something you don't have passion, time, or energy for.

2. Press On. Pressing on and pressing through are two lessons I have learned the hard way. It is my choice to stop or press on and when I choose to press on, in spite of how I feel, I win every time! It is easier to give up when things are hard but when you press through the hard stuff of life, eventually you will come to breakthrough; you will get to the other side.

3. Be deliberate. When you walk in the door or office, make sure you take those few extra moments to put things where they belong or take 15 minutes to do it at the end of the evening. When you are going through the day, take regular "timeouts" to self-check if you are being deliberate about your day or see if you are mindlessly going through another day.

4. Self-talk. This is one of my strategies to make myself follow through. For some reason I have a problem with unloading the dishwasher. I will start, get bored and leave it with the door open and dishes sitting on the counter. Not sure what that is all about but it just is what it is. I have to talk to myself and tell myself to go back finish it, that it won't take long and it will be worth it. Ridiculous? Maybe but it gets it done and it can work for you. Your brain is telling you something all the time anyway, so why not control some of what it is telling you!

5. Make a note or schedule the time. Put things you need to do on a list of things to do or put it on your calendar. If it doesn't get done, keep moving it to your current to do list until it gets done or your realize it shouldn't be there in the first place.

6. Delegate or get help. Many times we need help completing a task. This can mean you involve family, friends, co-workers or of course your friendly professional organizer! Whoever it is, when it is time to ask for help, by all means, enlist help.

Follow through is a habit. When you have the mindset that you don't have to follow through, then most of the time you won't but if you believe that following through is the only option, then most of the time you will. 

It is possible to begin to do better at following through......beginning today!


  1. This is a great post! I'm one of those work-a-holics, so I have a hard time following through with resting and relaxing, etc. So last year I started scheduling times to rest and relax on my calendar. I'm loving how it's working! But some days I get the opportunity to stop and schedule something in the midst of the relaxation time...and I have to stop and follow through on resting instead!

    1. Resting and relaxing? What is that!? LOL. I, too, have to work really hard at stopping. My brain is always ready to learn something! Great application - follow through on resting and relaxing! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hello,
    We can relate this to house work, cooking, etc or we can relate these to business also.

    Very interesting.

    Thank You for sharing this.


    1. Absolutely. Follow through is essential in all parts of our lives.

      Thanks for your comment.
