Sunday, February 28, 2016

10 DeClutter Tips

This is a room in my house, from a couple of years ago, when I had scarcely a moment to breathe. This room, like many of your rooms, became the catch all room; the room I could close the door and ignore. During this period of my life, so much was coming at me, that emotionally I could do little more than eat, sleep, work, and take care of my family the best I could. This room is a clear representation of how emotional clutter can manifest itself through physical clutter. So how did I attack this room? 
 By using several of the  10 DeClutter Tips
I was able to restore this room to it's natural order. 

10 DeClutter Tips

1.  Take one area and focus only on that area; it can even be a category.  For example, in my room, I took out all the boxes and either broke them down or put a couple aside to be used later for storage or give away.  Once that was done, I focused on a square foot under the window.

2.  Set aside time.  I had to schedule the time to get this task done......things that are scheduled normally get done. 

3.  Find homes for all the objects.  Many things in my room had homes, I just had not taken the time to put them there.  

4.  Make a decision. "Clutter is the result of delayed decision making".
Be willing to make a decision and quit hanging on to things.....just because. 

5.  Visualize the end goal.  Don't start anything without an end goal in mind.  My goal was to bring order to the room and to be able to vacuum the floor!

6.  Work in short spurts.  Working for about 25 minutes at a time, taking a timed 10-minute break, then working for another 25 minutes will help you not burn out so easily.

7.  Have supplies on hand......garbage bags, a box for items needing 
to be relocated and a box for items to donate.  

8.  Put on some music.  It feels more fun to have some music going.  
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs had it right when they sang whistle while you work!

9.  Don't organize clutter. Organize and label only what is really necessary to keep. 

10.  Don't buy storage containers until you know exactly how much of something you are going to keep and where you are going to store it.  When you buy storage containers, you don't end up using, you have only added to the clutter. 

Now, figure out what area of your home is causing you the most stress and apply some of these tips.  

Today just might be your day for a new beginning!


Accountability and Why You Need It

You have great goals for 2016, admirable, exciting, realistic goals.  You are ready to attack them and are sure you are going to do it this year.  So, what usually happens to all of us? We bloom early and fade fast!  So, how can you keep your momentum when you start to wane in your commitment?   Accountability. 

The concept of accountability is a proven strategy to help people achieve their goals.  
Think about it - Weight Watchers, Alcoholics Anonymous, Personal Trainers, Business Year End Reviews.  All of these and many more are ways groups, companies and individuals have accountability.  When we are transparent in what we are trying to achieve and have someone cheering us on, we are more likely to continue to work on a goal.  When we are trying to reach that goal on our own, we are less likely to be a strong cheerleader for ourselves for very long.  

Personally, I am working on getting 10,000 steps in each day as part of my weight loss and health goal.  I have friends who have the same exercise band that counts our steps.  I can see their total number of steps and they can see mine.  I can tell you, when I see I am falling behind, in my number of steps it motivates me to get up and go take a walk!  

What are your 2016 goals? 
Who can you get to help you?  
Who can you find to be your accountability partner?  

It can be as simple as checking in with someone each week,  or finding fitness friends to challenge each week, or finding a professional you can be accountable to.   

Whatever your goal, there is someone who helps you reach go find them. 

In the comments below, let me know what your goals are and who you have as your accountability partner.  We can encourage one another!  

Monday, February 22, 2016

The One Thing You Need To Do To Get Organized

Ok.  Here it is.  The magic bullet you have all been waiting for.  You only have to do ONE thing to get organized.....just ONE!  

What do you think the ONE thing is?  Throw away all your stuff?  Buy cute bins, boxes and organizing tools?  Never buy anything?  Make sure your house looks like a magazine?  Spend all your free time organizing and cleaning?  

Well, as you can imagine it is none of those things.  So, what is it?  

DECIDE.  Yep, that 5 letter word......decide is the main thing you have to do to get organized.   Deciding begins in your mind and your mind controls your behavior. So, once you really decide, the behavior will follow.  

You have to:

Decide you are going to commit the time to get organized.
Decide you are going to commit the resources you need to get organized.
Decide what your goal is about getting organized.
Decide this is important enough to push through even when your motivation wanes. 
Decide to focus on keeping what you value.
Decide to let go. 
Decide what is important to you. 
Decide what you want others to deal with when you are gone.
Decide how you want to live your life - managing stuff or enjoying people. 

Once you decide, really decide, the rest begins to fall into place.  You are resolute in your pursuit and you will do whatever it takes to get to the place of organization and peace.

Are you ready to do the ONE thing?  Are you ready to DECIDE? 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Helpful TO DO List/Not So Helpful TO DO List

Example of a NOT SO HELPFUL TO DO List:
Do taxes
Clean House
Buy gifts
Make calls

I see many a TO DO list that looks like the Not So Helpful TO DO List.  You will never be able to cross anything off that TO DO list.  It will feel and look like you never accomplish anything when in reality you are probably accomplishing a whole lot more than you realize.  Look at the example of the Helpful TO DO List and see if you can see the difference.

Example of a HELPFUL TO DO List:

              Gather donation receipts for taxes
              Organize kitchen utensil drawer
              Vacuum all rooms
              Order sweater for Mother’s Birthday
         Go to Target and get gift card for Sam’s birthday
Call Eye Doctor to reschedule appointment
         Call Sarah to see how she is feeling
         Call to schedule exterminator

The second list is a list of specific action steps you need to take.  When you look at the first list, you have to spend time figuring out exactly what step you have to take next.  When you look at the second list, your action steps are already in place.  The second list allows you to schedule your day more efficiently while crossing things off that dreaded TO DO list. 

Another option is to take the first list, do a brain dump, and put all the action steps needed for each item:

           Do taxes
         Gather donation receipts
         Calculate mileage
         Call Pharmacy for medication expenses summary
         Pull together home deductible expenses

        Organize kitchen utensil drawer
        Clean out boy’s seasonal clothes
        Purge gift wrap
        De-clutter my shoes

Make your TO DO list work for you instead of just mindlessly writing down things TO DO.  Make your list actionable, easy to understand and easy to schedule. 

Let me know how you’ve changed your list and how it is working for you.  
I love hearing from you! 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Don't Think You Have a Dream, Purpose or Passion? No Problem

(photo by stuartmiles/

Read these quotes:

Live your dream and share your passion.

Life is short, live your dream and share your passion.

As soon as you start to pursue your dream, your life wakes up and everything has meaning. ~Barbara Sher~

Dream big dreams, commit to your true passion and you will learn to fly. 

OK, do you feel like a loser yet?  I know when I read the quotes, I certainly do.  These quotes are not in and of themselves bad and will really resonate with many people, but just not with me.  Why don't they touch my soul?  I'm not a dreamer.  I don't "get" how to find my purpose and passion.  Do you feel that way, too?

Let me back up a little bit.  Maybe I do have dreams. 
  • Live out my faith authentically
  • Be a good wife, mother, G-mama and friend
  • Give to others in need. 
  • Be successful in my business
  • Take a couple of nice trips a year.
  • Spend more time with family. 
Do those count as dreams? They certainly don't seem like the Climb Mount Everest kind of dreams, but is that okay?  In a nutshell, those really are my dreams and my passion.  

I am still not 100% sure what my purpose is, but I think it has something to do with doing the best I can at being the person I am designed to be.  Doesn't sound really profound or powerful, right?   

Some people are born knowing they want to be a doctor, lawyer, or movie star.  Some people know they want to go to Africa as missionaries, bungee jump off mountains and swim with sharks in Australia.  Not me.  Even as a little girl, I never really thought about what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I am almost 100% sure I never dreamed about my dream wedding.  As I got a little older,  I remember thinking I wanted to be like Mary Tyler Moore - I liked that she had a job, had a cool apartment and lived in the city!  I remember thinking in high school my dream job was to be a secretary (we didn't call them administrative assistants back in 1977), but it did not seem like I was shooting for the stars. 

But what about those that want to be a great mother or wife? What about those that want to be a volunteer in a school or hold a small Bible study in their home?  What about those that want to be single and enjoy time with friends?  What about those that like to quietly garden or bake?  Why isn't that enough?  

People mistakenly think they have to have these massive dreams, purpose and passion, when they really might already be living the dream, fulfilling their purpose and pursuing their passion.  You do not have to have big dreams and goals to be who you are designed to be and to make a difference in your corner of the world. Remember, we are all unique, one of a kind people and what may seem small to you may not be.  Our lives and decisions have a ripple effect on those around us whether we know it or not.  We are changing lives by what we say and do whether or not we feel like we are. 

If you do have big dreams, purpose and passion - Go for it.  Live it. 

If you do not have "seemingly big" dreams, purpose, and passion - Live, be and don't be embarrassed.  Be the best version of you and you will have fulfilled the role you have in this life. 

Dream big or not.  Spend time figuring out your purpose or not.  Pursue your passion or not. Whatever you do, live your story and walk on your journey intentionally and deliberately.
That really will be enough.