Monday, October 7, 2013

Ultimate Blog Challenge -One Week In

One week into this Ultimate Blog Challenge and I am feeling pretty good.  I have some blog posts already prepared for the days ahead and I am feeling pretty good about myself until...... I count how many more days I have to prepare and how many days are left.    

Then I start to panic.  Then I start to sweat.  Then writer's block attacks with a vengeance.  How in the world am I going to do this? What was I thinking?  I look at my calendar and think, there is no way I can come up with that many thoughtful, well written, witty posts.  YIKES.  

I also start getting overwhelmed about commenting on two other posts, putting my post on Twitter, and wishing I had more time to look at a lot of the blogs being posted 

Then, I stop and breathe.  I have a lot of company when it comes to this challenge.  I have a lot of people, apparently from all over the world, that are feeling the same way.  I have a lot of people that can empathize with the overwhelming wave of emotion that has overcome me.  

So, I do what I tell my organizing and life coach clients.  Breathe, take a little bit at a time and look how far you have come, not so much at how far you have to go.  I also tell them to not give up right before breakthrough and to press on, even when they don't feel like it.  

So, I am going to take my own advice and press on.....doing what I can, when I can, the best I can.  1 week done - that is where my focus is going to be  Then, when I catch myself getting overwhelmed and thinking too far ahead I will focus on my next step, not the next 24 steps.  

How are you feeling about this challenge after the first full week?  


  1. I have enjoyed the "stretch" that comes with the UBC. It is helping me get back in a routine habit and end blogging overwhelm.

    1. I love that description....."stretch". I need to "stretch" more often in other areas of my life. Thanks for your comment.

  2. I feel like I am doing fairly well. I was worried I would not be able to keep up but this is really making me open up and write about many things. I was worried I would not have enough to write about either but with all I have read already and the tips we are getting, I am finding I have a wealth of things to write about. I have 2 posts written ahead and I have about 12 draft headlines I can write about currently already saved. I keep going and saving more as I think of them as well so I feel pretty accomplished so far. I am glad I am not the only one having a few momentary doubts however. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Way to go Kathie. I do like the tips, too. I am putting them in a separate folder to keep for reference later on. Thanks for your comment.

  3. For me, this challenge is following a 30 Day Photo Challenge. I'm trying to form a habit of blogging every day. I'm enjoying it but I'm not letting myself look too far into the future. As I think of blog subjects I'm jotting them down for ideas in the future. This is very good for me as I tend to be a procrastinator.
    I enjoy visiting your blog!!

    1. Way to attack that procrastinator habit. So glad you are enjoying the blog. I am hoping and praying I keep up the consistency after this challenge is over. Good luck!

  4. Peggy, I agree with you that it seems a bit daunting at times to come up with things to write about for 30 days!!! However, as I read other's posts I realize there is tons of stuff out there to blog about. So far I am enjoying the challenge. It is pushing me to get stuff written down that I have been wanting to do for a while, but have managed to put off for more 'important' things. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings - you are definitely not alone.

    1. Thanks for your comment Julie. I, too, am getting ideas and thoughts from other people's posts and the tips we are receiving.
      Thanks for your comment.

  5. Haha, I get random moments like this throughout the day, but each post is about my continuing journey, so there are rarely days I don't know what to write, plus I don't talk very much in my real world, so I let my fingers do all the talking. :) I very much enjoyed your post and I love the soothing colours. Thank you. Amanda HelmiBM

    1. Thanks for your comment Amanda. Our journeys are certainly ever changing therefore always something to write about. Let those fingers do some talking today!
