Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Buying Peace

                                                    (photo from knowing-jesus.com)

I was thinking about many of my de-clutter and life coach clients and taking a hard look at my own life. Many of us, me included, have tried to buy our peace through different things, either through a purchase or alcohol or a drug or a person or a lifestyle.  We have mistakenly thought, when I get this, do this, have this or am at this stage of my life, I will have peace.  

Unfortunately, we end up accumulating too much, being with the wrong person, missing out on the gift of today or dealing with addictions because of that wrong kind of thinking.  

Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” – unknown - 

Life will constantly give us opportunities that require us to choose peace in the midst of pain, turmoil or the everydayness of life.  The bottom line, you can't buy peace.  You have to tap into the only true peace through God, the One that gives peace "that passes all understanding".  


  1. Hi Peggy,

    Love today's message! Sometimes we forget how simple life can be but sometimes end up being very difficult. Thank you for the great message!

    1. Thank you Nate. My motto is Keep It Simple Girl and that is what I try to teach all that will listen :)

  2. Love it. Peace isn't a destination you arrive at and can then stay there. It's more like the gas in the car, you need it to keep going.

    1. Nicole, love your analogy.....it isn't a destination!
