Sunday, March 9, 2014

Do You Need A Life Coach?

Webster defines a life coach as an advisor who helps people make decisions, set and reach goals, or deal with problems. 

The reason I decided to become a Life Coach is I saw so many people trapped in their lives, feeling like they had no where to go, no choices, no dreams and no goals. 

A Life Coach is designed to ask the right questions to help you  think about your life differently, re-framing current circumstances and taking a full assessment of where your life is and where it is you want to be. 

Life Coaches are not counselors, psychiatrists, or mentors. We are good listeners that pay attention to details. We help you discover new ways of thinking and we help you get around some of those obstacles that seem to be blocking the way you want to go. 

Sometimes, we all just need a little boost to get to where we want to be....a Life Coach can be that boost.  Begin to live your purpose today! 


  1. What great information about life coaches. I had no idea that life coaches were more about asking the right questions. That really makes sense to help point in the right direction as opposed to force in the right direction. Thank you for taking the time to share.

  2. Thanks for your comment Jason. Helping someone take ownership and reminding them they really do know what to do is a lot of what life coaching is about.
