Thursday, October 3, 2013

Confessions of an Organizer - Emergency Preparedness

(photo courtesy of rizzuti)

I live in Eastern, NC.  We have hurricanes in this area of the world.  So what does one do when one hears that a hurricane is coming?   Get prepared........the best he/she can.

I have lived in this area for 17 years.  When we first moved here, we met up with two hurricanes our first summer here.  Not my idea of a warm welcome.  Several years later, Hurricane Floyd hit our area and brought with it damaging flood waters.  This hurricane scared me enough to plead with my husband, prior to Floyd's arrival, to run and get away from our home and not deal with such fury.  After many years and numerous hurricanes and tropical storms,  I have become somewhat complacent.  

Complacency can be a dangerous thing in all areas of life........especially in preparing for an emergency.  Around here when you hear there is going to be a hurricane you gather up flashlights, batteries, water and bread.  You fire up the generator to ensure it is working.  You begin to cook what you have in the freezer and get your weather radio all ready to go.  Those things are great and helpful but I am talking about real emergency preparedness.......having things in a bag ready to go at a moment's notice.

Having my things ready for an emergency is actually on MY TO DO LIST!  Yes, I am confessing, once again, that this organizer is not as prepared as she needs to be.  Yes, I have water and an emergency medical kit and some trash bags and duct tape and a few canned goods and some peanut butter!  However, I don't have my "to go" bag.  What should be in the "to go" bag?  Copies of insurance papers, information about banking accounts, copies of medical history (although thankfully we don't really have any), copies of birth certificates, identification and cash or traveler's checks. 

So take a little time this week to make a few copies of some papers, put them in a plastic (waterproof) file and put it with your other emergency kit supplies.  Don't have any emergency kit supplies together? That's okay....start today.  Here is a link to the government's suggestions about what you should gather together.  It really is easy when, just like any other organizational project, you do a little at a time. 

There are many people who think it is silly to get these things together in one place and be this prepared and it is.........until you need it.  An emergency kit is just like insurance of any don't need it until you need it!!!  So start now, while there is no emergency.  It sure can't hurt to be prepared but it sure could hurt to be unprepared and this organizer does not want to be caught unprepared.........not good for business!


  1. Your post is not only well written and brilliant, but so necessary at this time of year! I live in Southern Calif. and need to get one up tomorrow for the wildfires as the Santa Ana (dessert) winds start up and then the fire bugs come out and start up the fires. I shared your important entry with G+! Thanks!

    1. Thank you so much Carolyn for your thoughts and for sharing! I cannot imagine what it is like to deal with wild fires. Good luck and I hope you get your to go bag ready!

  2. Peggy, your post stirred a lot of emotions within me not because I've been through a hurricane before but because of Tornadoes!! It's not as severe as a hurricane but still scary enough to my children who get hysterical when tornadoes form and hit our area. One thing I made sure of is that all our documents and important papers are tucked in a security deposit box in the bank. It's only $40 a year to rent one, but it saved me a lot of worry if for any reason our documents will be Gone with the Wind!!
    Excellent writing style and thank you for sharing :)

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Growing up I lived in Alabama. Tornadoes were prevalent and I was always one of the ones headed down to the basement. I think tornadoes are scarier because they come without warning. With a hurricane you can choose to prepare. A safety deposit box is a great solution.
